Virtual Army Career Progression Meetup With
Colonel Angela M. Odom US Army Retired

Think of The Colonel as your virtual mentor

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Watch this short video below to get a behind-the-scenes look at what you can expect at our virtual quarterly meetups.









Colonel Retired Odom is looking forward to connecting with you. See you on the other side.

Be Encouraged!

Benefits of Our Virtual Army Career Progression Quarterly Meetups

Opportunities for collaboration, learning and growth during our quarterly meetings

Non-Judgemental Feedback

Whether you have been in the Army for two years or twenty years, it's always good to get an objective view of your circumstances from a senior officer before you take action. 

Avoid Common Missteps

Learn from the Colonel's mistakes which she freely shares in the hopes that you will determine how to avoid the common traps

Gain A Strategic Overview

Your actions are based on your perspective, experience and mindset. Allow The Colonel to provide you with a strategic vantage point as you navigate your Army career. 

Who Can Benefit From Army Mentoring?

Enlisted, Warrant Officer, and Officers on active duty, in the US Army Reserve, in the US Army National Guard, and Army Veterans who want to stay abreast on Army Career Progression in general

Anyone who is evolving into a better version of themselves

US Army personnel who are:

  • Able to learn from the mistakes or missteps of others; thereby avoiding them.
  • Mentors to other high peformers
  • Seeking reassurance that they are on the right track
  • Seeking career progression feedback for their specific issue
  • Don't currently have a mentor.
  • Have a mentor and are open to a different perspective.
  • Considering transitioning from the Army
  • Intend to retire at the highest rank possible
  • Military Leaders


US Army personnel who are leading:

  • Themselves
  • Individuals
  • Teams
  • Their Families

Mentorship that meets you where you are

About Your Host

Hi, I'm Angela M. Odom, a retired Army Colonel.  I am a decorated war veteran, turned life coach.  After serving honorably in the US Army for over 26 years I retired and got my son settled into our small quaint town, started a personal development business, and wrote and published my first book, "Bronco Strong: A Memoir of the Last Deployed Personnel Services Battalion".  I decided to continue to be of service to others by training for and earning my life coaching certification. I know how to get things done.

While serving on active duty, I was fortunate to lead diverse teams during both peacetime and during combat operations. When I served as the Adjutant General's Corps' Branch Chief at the Human Resources Command I learned how to help officers develop a solid five year career plan.

At the beginning of my successful military career, while serving at Fort Bragg, NC, I deployed with my unit in support of Operation Desert Storm. During my second combat deployment I deployed as an individual augmentee in support of US Army Central Command. My third and final deployment was in Iraq. I served as a battalion commander in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This was the most tumultuous assignment and yet the most rewarding of my career.

One thing I know for sure is relationships matter and the way we treat our Soldiers impacts the manner in which the mission is accomplished. 

I want to help you navigate through the minefields as you successfully move through your Army career. I get so many inquiries from my mentees, I felt an obligation to open up my calendar and give more heroes like you a leg up. Think of me as your virtual mentor. 

I look forward to connecting with you.  


Are you ready?

Most people troll night and day, piece information together while hoping and praying they are on the right track. Why not tune in, ask your burning questions, and keep it moving?

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Give it to me straight, why specifically do I need to be in the Army Career Progression Meetup and why can’t I just do without it?

Okay! First things first, if you’re tired of wondering why you are the last to know, why the Army culture seems to be painfully restrictive, why you don't seem to have enough time in the day, or why you are not sure how to manage your career (or if you really want to stay in the Army) and you finally want to have a solid five year plan, then you need to attend the Virtual Army Career Progression Meetup.  You'll finally get someone to answer your burning questions, provide objective feedback and guidance. 

Secondly, you always have the option to research for yourself, attend free networking events, listen to 10 barrack lawyers and get 100 different opinions to come to an educated decision on how to successfully move forward in your career. However, that still does not guarantee any success as strategic career planning is  perfected over time, and that’s exactly why I’m sharing what’s worked BEST for my career (including the costly mistakes I made) so you can avoid them.

Q2:  What if I am pretty comfortable with the direction my career is going and have a mentor I trust?  

You don't need to have problems in your military career to benefit from what I share  in the Virtual Army Career Progression Meetup.  We will focus on relevant topics that are sure to increase your leadership confidence and help you move forward in your Army career.

Q3: How is your program different from any other networking session?

My mentoring methods actually work. I provide candid, relevant feedback based on my mentees circumstances rather than generalizing.  Networking sessions may not provide the opportunity for one on one advice or there may not be enough time for getting detailed/specific personal feedback at a networking session.

This is a great concept, especially for people who don't have easy access to advice from experienced officers (field grade/G.O. level). Some people have a hard time paying for access when they can easily reach out to any field grade/G.O officer they've worked with in their current and previous commands. However, every junior officer or NCO (even some field grade officers and senior NCOs) do not have that opportunity and might not feel comfortable approaching different senior leaders for guidance. Especially for different topics on an on-going basis. 

Q4: What happens after I make I provide my  name and email address?

You’ll receive a welcome email with details on the date, time, and how to access the link on the online platform. We will meet twice a month for approximately 45 minutes. 

Q5: What if this Meetup isn’t what I was hoping it would be or it doesn’t fit my needs?

First of all, I believe that the information page explains in detail what you’re getting and the results you can achieve through the Virtual Army Career Progression Meetup. However, you can simply not show up. You are not obligated. 

Q6: How will I know when the bi-monthly Virtual Army Career Progression Meetups are happening?

You'll receive an email reminder every month with the day and time, and you can add these  LIVE events to your calendar.

Q7: How will you provide support? Do I get direct access to Colonel Odom?

Colonel Odom is hosting the bi-monthly Virtual Army Career Progression Meetups. You will be notified ahead of time so you can show up live. Don't worry if you can't make them live! You can submit your questions ahead of time so Colonel Odom can answer it anyway and you can watch the replay!

Q8: Why are you doing this? Shouldn't you be somewhere sipping on tea and baking cookies?

I get so many inquiries from my mentees, I feel obligated to open my calendar to give more heroes like you a leg up. Think of me as your virtual mentor. Besides I've never been that good at baking. 

For any technical problems you can reach out to us at: [email protected]

Mentorship that meets you where you are

What this is NOT?

This Virtual Army Career Progression Meetup is NOT:

  • A gripe session
  • A secret
  • A time to learn about tactics, techniques or procedures on combat operations
  • A replacement for your chain of command
  • A promise that you will be promoted, respected, or competent
  • Sanctioned or sponsored by the US Army

See you on the other side

Most people troll night and day, piece information together while hoping and praying they are on the right track. Why not tune in, ask your burning questions, and keep it moving?


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