Contributing Sponsor Payment
Supporting Sponsor Payment
Presenting Sponsor Payment

What Previous Lunch With 250 Deltas Event are saying...

ā€œThis wonderfully event was well organized, The food was delicious, the speakers were great. The gift were beautiful . I never want to miss this even again..ā€

2024 Attendee

ā€œThank you for allowing me to be apart of the event this year. This being my first year I truly enjoyed the sisterhood and overall spirit of the event. The gifts were so unexpected but appreciated.

I look forward to next year. Thank you to everyone on the planning committee.ā€

2024 Attendee

It was absolutely WONDERFUL!! šŸ’Æ It made my day complete with all the sisterhood and fellowship. So glad I had a chance to attend ā˜ŗļø I thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming up with this idea. Being on a limited budget, it gave me a chance to participate in Founders Day and feel 'active ' since I haven't been in the last few years due to personal life events. I will definitely attend next year!! šŸ‘šŸ¾ Psst, you may need a bigger place..ā€

2024 Attendee

Sponsorship Levels

Presenting Sponsor ā€“ $5,000, Supporting Sponsor ā€“ $1,500, Contributing Sponsor ā€“ Any amount you choose

Thanks For Your Generosity

TheĀ Lunch With 250 DeltasĀ is a Delta-only, in-person, fun-filled, festival event complete withĀ a delicious lunch, vendors, games, prizesĀ and laughter. The unofficial event is put on by the Deltas on the Southside of Atlanta.Ā We've sold out in 2020, 2023, and 2024.Ā