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Angela M. Odom

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Announcing our 21 Day Financial Fast

Get the book, 'The 21 Day Financial Fast' by Michelle Singletary. Coach Angela is moderating  a spiritually based financial fast beginning on Saturday, July 1, 2017. 

In “The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom,” financial advisor and Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary outlines the “financial fast,” a sort of money diet that promises to break bad spending habits, create a plan to become debt free, and set yourself on a better financial course for the future. While on a financial fast, you can’t spend any unnecessary money – at all. Unless it’s food, shelter, or something else essential to survival, you’re committing to making do with what you already have.

It's not about what you can't have during the fast, it's about the relationship with money. We are going on a financial fast to become aware of our actual needs versus all of the stuff we want.  


We will meet virtually inside of a closed Facebook Group for the 21 Day Financial Fast moderated by Angela M. Odom. The purpose of this group is to provide a safe space to connect with like-minded people and support each other in completing the daily assignments at the end of each chapter.

Feel free to invite like-minded individuals to the group. We encourage you to comment often, upload appropriate and associated information that will be helpful to our discussion.

This 21 Financial Fast will motivate you to get back on track with your financial goals for 2017!

Click Here to Request to Join the Closed Facebook Group


For the 21 days, you read a chapter a day, which includes an assignment at the end of the chapter. The author includes budget worksheets, asks you to review your credit card statements and insists that you not use your credit or debit card, only cash. You can only buy essentials; hence the "Fast" portion of the financial fast.

It's an eye opening 21 days. I have done this 21 day fast a few times over the last five years and each time I learn something new about myself.

The author infuses biblical scriptures throughout the book. I am not here to debate you one way or the other on her choice of scripture. I am here because iron sharpens iron. I am here because I have an entitlement issue and I know that I need a financial fast. 

Why have a moderated Facebook Group for a 21 Day Financial Fast? 

1. Accountability Partners
2. We are the average of the five people we hang around. I want to hang around financially responsible and financially aware people; because iron sharpens iron.
3. This is a great way to connect 


Click Here to Join the Closed Facebook Group.  

Order your printed or ebook copy of Michelle Singletary's book, "The 21 Day Financial Fast" on Amazon.

Introduce yourself once inside of the closed Facebook group using our 2-part intro format below:

  • My name is...
  • I signed up for the virtual financial fast book discussion because…
  • EXTRA CREDIT: Post a photo with your book (with or without your face)!

See you on the other side.

Coach Angela M. Odom

I help busy women create strategies to live the life they love. 

P.S. We will only discuss the impact, effect and results of the daily assignments.  We will NOT discuss or exchange any personal financial information.  PERIOD!

P.P. S: I am sho nuff excited - Boo-Yah! I am looking for a breakthrough.




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