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Angela M. Odom

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EP02: Check Your Circle

Leaders, check your circle.
Are you surrounded by people who affirm you and hold you accountable?
If not, widened your circle, search for a different community, and begin to reach your goals in peace.
Don't have a supportive, accountable community?
Build One.
Let's focus on becoming aware of the influence of the people you interact with the most. 
My question to you is "Does your circle affirm you and hold you accountable?" My message is check your circle
Last week I attended a 3-Day virtual event titled, "Manifest Your Vision" hosted by Rosetta Thurman. Each day we focused on a different theme:
Day 1: Ignite your purpose and create your vision
Day 2: Breakthrough Your Barriers
Day 3: Take Aligned Actions
One of the things that came out of Day 1 was my Personal Mission Statement: Show Up for me First, Then Serve Others From the Overflow.
What's your personal mission statement? 
The day before this 3-Day event, I met virtually with a Sip & Chat women's group. One of the questions asked was WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO STOP DOING? My answer, Stop setting myself on fire to keep others warm. I need to enforce boundaries better
I thought about what my favorite teenager said to me in November 2020. He said, "Mom, you need to help more Better U ladies."
Check your circle
Your circle could include:
  • People you see (in-person or virtually) on a daily basis
  • Family members
  • Work associates
  • Business collaborators
  • Your teammates
  • Your boss
  • Celebrity
  • Media personalities
The impact of the people you allow to influence you is:
  • Conscious thoughts
  • Decisions you make
  • Overall attitude
A Simple Exercise:
Get out a sheet of paper or your favorite device. Draw a "T". List the top 10 people who come to mind. 
1. My favorite teenager
2. Two Sisters
3. Oprah
4. Michelle Obama
5. 10 members of my sorority who joined the organization with me almost 35 years ago
6. My everything friend, Lorie Fanning
7. My two personal standards (Mother and Paternal Grandmother plus my father)
8. My two professional standards (Colonel Retired Vaseal Montgomery and Colonel Retired Tom Owens
9. Bookshelf filled with lessons and examples
10. MSNBC talking heads
Document whether they both Affirm (not necessarily agreeing with every word or deed) and hold you accountable (meaning do they call you on your crap)
In my case, their isn't any accountable with the celebrities, tv personalities, high profile people I've only seen from afar or my deceased family members. Although I do feel affirmed by their message and lessons. 
I reflected on the remaining people on my list of ten whom I interact with the most to determine whether they:
  • Call me on my crap
  • Hold me accountable
  • Affirm me
  • Listen without judgement 
  • Engage with me on their free time or free their time to engage with me
Lastly, I reflected on whether I give as much as I gain from their support and engagement with me. 
My advice:
Don't make any rash decisions about people who didn't pass this unscientific test. I'm not sure if Jesus would pass this test. I'm joking.
This is about becoming aware of the influence of the people with whom you interact the most. 
While attending the Manifest Your Vision 3-Day event, I created the Better U Leadership Podcast. Listen to the first episode titled, "Three Mindset Hacks" HERE and subscribe to listen to future episodes. 
I found a new circle of women who affirm me and hold me accountable and I LOVE IT! 



Much Love and Much Respect,



Angela M. Odom is a life and leadership coach, founder of The Better U Project brand, podcast host, proud Army veteran and the author of BRONCO STRONG: A Memoir of the Last Deployed Personnel Services Battalion  and Golom's Magical Gamers as well as a contributing author to the book, "Camouflaged Sisters: Leadership Through The Eyes of Senior Military Women Leaders". 

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Schedule a 30 minute virtual call on zoom HERE. Learn more about Coach Angela's private coaching program, "Become A Better Leader in 100 Days"


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