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Angela M. Odom

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Leadership Conversations

2018 books leadership Nov 07, 2018

Lila Holley, the visionary founder of the Camouflaged Sisters platform led a panel discussion with a two of her co-authors of her latest anthology.

Lila Holley is a combat veteran and retired US Army Warrant Officer. She is a multiple award-winning, Amazon best selling visionary author behind Camouflaged Sisters book series. In her books, Lila partners with other courageous military women  and women veterans to share their stories of success in the military despite facing challenges along their journey. 

She has published four books with 70 coauthors and announced the release of the upcoming leadership project for Camouflaged Sisters with Angela M. Odom and Deia Aubrey during the Military Author & Book Expo in San Antonio, TX.



Click below to listen as Angela M. Odom, a retired US Army colonel and Command Sergeant Major Deia Aubrey share their perspective on the importance of collaborating on a leadership project.  

Learn more about LilaAngela and Deia


Angela M. Odom

Better U Personal Development Life Coach




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