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Angela M. Odom

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Ted Cruz Case Study: What Do You Expect of Your Leaders?

2021 case study podcast Feb 23, 2021

QUESTION: What do we expect of people who are in positions of power and authority?  

During this unscientific case study, we'll take the facts surrounding a high profile elected officials’ decisions prior to, during and after he decided to fly to Cancun, Mexico.

Mr Cruz, a high-profile Republican who ran for the US presidency in 2016, has not only drawn criticism for taking the international trip, but also for reportedly leaving his dog, Snowflake, behind.


As stated by Wikipedia,  a case study involves an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case or cases, within a real-world context. For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time (e.g., a specific political campaign) to an enormous undertaking (e.g.,...

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EP02: Check Your Circle

Leaders, check your circle.
Are you surrounded by people who affirm you and hold you accountable?
If not, widened your circle, search for a different community, and begin to reach your goals in peace.
Don't have a supportive, accountable community?
Build One.
Let's focus on becoming aware of the influence of the people you interact with the most. 
My question to you is "Does your circle affirm you and hold you accountable?" My message is check your circle
Last week I attended a 3-Day virtual event titled, "Manifest Your Vision" hosted by Rosetta Thurman. Each day we focused on a different theme:
Day 1: Ignite your purpose and create your vision
Day 2: Breakthrough Your Barriers
Day 3: Take Aligned Actions
One of the things that came out of Day 1 was my Personal Mission Statement: Show Up for me First, Then Serve Others From the Overflow.
What's your personal mission statement? 
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