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Angela M. Odom

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Purpose Your Government Stimulus Monies


Don't spend it all in one place. Have you ever heard that? I say we change our mindset to spend on purpose. 

Millions of Americans are receiving at least $1,400 because the US Congress passed the American Rescue Plan last week and US President Joe Biden signed the bill into law. In addition to the direct payments

Driving around my small town, I noticed long lines at the grocery stores, liquor stores, and restaurants. It seems to be a lot of traffic in every direction as it is compared to the previous 12 months. 

Last week when the US Senate passed the bill and sent it back to the US House of Representatives. I sat quietly, opened my notebook and documented a list of financial items that needed my attention. 

Listen to the Better U Leadership Podcast episode #11


Six Steps to Take Before You Spend Your Government Stimulus Money

1. List items that need to be paid or addressed; housing, transportation, food, work related incidentals, and debts.


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Hacks and Identity Theft

personal finance Sep 12, 2017

This latest internet hack of Equifax is an eye-opener to the amount of misguided trust we have developed in large corporations over the past few decades. We blindly provide our personal information to insurance companies, hospitals, people who cold call us for charitable donations, grocery stores, schools, and any number of organizations.  Between the most recent hacking news, including the US 2016 elections, the French 2017 election, Gmail phishing scams, bitcon hostage situations, we are being inudated with news of security breaches of corporations and organizations one would think would have be more prepared to withstand such attacks.  

When I heard about the Equifax data breach I thought, "Dang, this stuff just got real."  

The Equifax CEO provided an update on September 7, 2017. According to Equifax, the breach lasted from mid-May through July. The hackers accessed people’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances,...

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Announcing our 21 Day Financial Fast

Get the book, 'The 21 Day Financial Fast' by Michelle Singletary. Coach Angela is moderating  a spiritually based financial fast beginning on Saturday, July 1, 2017. 

In “The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom,” financial advisor and Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary outlines the “financial fast,” a sort of money diet that promises to break bad spending habits, create a plan to become debt free, and set yourself on a better financial course for the future. While on a financial fast, you can’t spend any unnecessary money – at all. Unless it’s food, shelter, or something else essential to survival, you’re committing to making do with what you already have.

It's not about what you can't have during the fast, it's about the relationship with money. We are going on a financial fast to become aware of our actual needs versus all of the stuff we want.  



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